Well, I can't believe that it's been an entire year since I've blogged about our family, but life has been CRAZY!! There have been lots of ups and downs this past year that's for sure, but every experience has made us a stronger family.

On June 18th marks the one year anniversary that our baby girl was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome. For those of you who may not know what Williams Syndrome is, the easiest way to explain it is by saying she has a deletion on the number 7 chromosome. We are very lucky because Kendal is just mainly delayed right now. We are all working very hard to get her caught up, but it's going to take some time. Every person with WS is different, no one is the same. Kendal does not have the major health issues that can go along with this rare syndrome. We are VERY lucky!! She is thriving more and more each day. She is just going to be very little, she weighs a whopping 21.2lbs, and she is 2.5. She is our lil peanut!!!!

Mr. Aidan has been busy as well this past year. He started preschool last August, and boy has that been an adjustment. We are still having issues, with hitting, spitting, throwing shoes, etc. Josh and I have discussed it, and even though he is suppose to start kindergarten this fall, we are going to do another year of preschool. He is so smart, but he just isn't there when it comes to his behavior. We have spoken to one of Kendal's therapists just for an opinion, and she suggested that we have him tested for sensory issues, and his preschool teacher agrees.. We want to wait until school is over just in case we need to add some therapy to his routine. We have a pretty steady routine now, so I don't want to add more to it. Our weeks are crazy busy with 5 days of preschool, and three therapy sessions for Kendal. I don't know if I could add much more right now. I'm doing my best to stay positive, but it's just one of those things that we will deal with no matter the outcome.
Josh and I are doing very well, he's been busy with work and I've been busy keeping house and trying to be a good wife and mother. I have to have some help, and I'm not afraid to admit it. It's been a lot to take on this year, and without the medication I don't know how I would have gotten through it all. I'm lucky that I have a loving husband who loves me no matter what kind of mood I'm in. He likes it better now that I'm on my happy pills. I'm also doing acupuncture and going to the chiropractor on a regular basis right now. I was having major headaches and there was nothing else my doctor could do for me, so I went with alternative medicine. I think the insomnia has been the worst part of all of this. It started right after we got Kendal's diagnosis. I'm still dealing on a day to day basis.
The good news is that we moved into a new house!!! It's the first place that has REALLY felt like home. We've painted and just made it ours. The kids love their individual rooms, and Josh and I finally feel like we can be a family here. The kids have this huge backyard to play in, so it's going to keep them very busy this summer. I hope....Well that's the scoop with the Heyde's. Look for Aidan's 5 year pics soon, and other updates on the house.
P.S. My mom and I are doing the Walk for Williams on May 14th in Plainfield, IN. I have set up a campaign page for donations towards the WSA. I will attach the link at the bottom. If you are interested in donating at all, please go to the page and click donate now. Any amount is help towards putting WS on the map!!! Thank you so much, we've had great success so far, and I hope we can continue to do so.

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