Well I guess you could say that I'm LONG over due for a blog. I guess with my surgery and the holiday's I just didn't have a whole lot of time to blog. It's my excuse anyway. :) I'll do my best to try and remember everything that has
I had surgery about 3 months ago, and the recovery process was good, but very long. I still have good days and bad days, but overall I'm doing great. I kind of feel like the PT was a BIG waste of my time, and it's
doubtful that I'll use it in the future. It's a personal choice.
We can not wait for spring time, and warmer weather. It's been so nice being able to send Aidan outside for an hour or so. It's hard with Kendal though, she wants to go out side so bad. However she isn't walking, and it's so wet out. What am I suppose to do?? She really likes to watch her big brother blow bubbles, it's really cute. It's about the only time Aidan isn't tormenting her. Ugh, he is such a booger. He can be just down right mean to her!! I'm so ready for him to start
pre-school this fall. I think it will be a big help. He is the type of kid that you have to entertain ALL the time, and it's really hard to juggle between him and Kendal. Most days I feel like I'm going to pull my hair out. I do love being a mom, don't get me wrong. I just hope that Kendal catches up soon so we can do more family things. It's just not possible right now. She has come a long way, but she still has a LONG way to go. Vicki, her therapists, says that when we get her walking it won't take long for her to catch up. I really hope she's right, because I'm really starting to get worried. I feel like we get caught up a little, and then she has
several set backs. She was very sick this past
February, and she ended up losing half a pound. She will be 18 months old on the 27
th of this month, and she doesn't even weigh 17lbs. She is just now wearing 9 month clothing. It's CRAZY!!! She is just a little peanut, and I guess she always will be. :) I would love to have another baby in another year or so, but right now I'm just not sure. I would almost feel like I'm cheating her. I guess we will just have to wait and see. It's a waiting game at this point. Oh the joy's of parenting!!
I mentioned that Aidan will start
pre-school this fall at Harrison. They have a
Kindergarten readiness program that I'm super excited about, and it will be good for both he and mommy. :) I'm excited to have a daily routine that involves leaving the house everyday. It will be crazy at times, but it will be an exciting time too. :) I can't believe that he will be four in May..it's crazy!
Josh and I are both doing well, he's been great with the whole surgery and recovery process. It was very stressful on our marriage at times, but we
survived. We even got to reward ourselves the weekend after Valentines Day. My
in laws took the kids for the weekend, so we could spend some
quality time together. It was much needed!!
As most of you know my brother is in the Air Force, and he is in the
Philippines right now, but he will be home hopefully sometime in May. I can't wait to see him!! I miss him so much, and I can't wait for him to spend time with the kids. :) I hope he can be here for Aidan's fourth birthday, that would be so amazing!!!
Well that's about all that's new in Heyde house. I'll upload some new pictures soon. Happy St. Patricks Day. I did dress the kids up today, but I forgot to get a picture. :( They looked so cute in all their GREEN :)